Fax Machines
Still sending faxes? Hi grandad! The fax was useful when it was the only way to move documents around faster than mailing them. Now it's pointless. Most documents never exist in paper form anyway, so you'll need a printer just to get started with the sending. And if you fax directly from your computer, that's no excuse, either -- why not just email the PDF?
An email is as trackable as a fax, and harder to fake (I may or may not have altered faxed documents for previous employers). It's also a lot harder to lose, and a lot easier to find if you do. Granted, a trip to the fax machine buys you a few minutes away from the desk, but then, why not just quit the office altogether and work, like I do, from the comfort of your bed?
I agree with their take on fax machines, but I still use all the others.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Outdated office gadgets?
Possible useful fitness tracker tool - Gyminee
My fave comment on here was "How about put down the fork and move around?" - Levio91.
5 childhood dream jobs that suck
Astronaut - show your kid what it's like to be one:
Step 1: Go buy a van - preferably a 1976 Peugeot.
Step 2: Have the owner's manual translated into Russian.
Step 3: Tell your child to pretend the van is a space station, and that his or her assignment is to rotate the tires.
Step 4: Push the van to the bottom of a swimming pool. Hand your child the translated owner's manual, a toolbox and a balloon full of air.
Bush fast-tracking pollution
Up is down, and down is still up in Conservatard land. There are
sweeping changes being made to regulations that protect consumers and
the environment. The Scorched earth policy of George Bush, will
continue for many years to come.
Two other rules nearing completion would ease limits on pollution
from power plants, a major energy industry goal for the past eight
years that is strenuously opposed by Democratic lawmakers and
environmental groups.One rule, being pursued over some opposition within the
Environmental Protection Agency, would allow current emissions at a
power plant to match the highest levels produced by that plant,
overturning a rule that more strictly limits such emission increases.
According to the EPA's estimate, it would allow millions of tons of
additional carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually, worsening
global warming.
A related regulation would ease limits on emissions from coal-fired power plants near national parks.
A third rule would allow increased emissions from oil refineries,
chemical factories and other industrial plants with complex
manufacturing operations.
Read the interview. Visit this guy's myspace page and listen to the song.
Don't like Nickelback or mainstream music in general. This is kinda funny.
New threat via Facebook
If you get an odd message from a friend (okay, not like the usual odd messages your friend sends you, a message like in the article in the link above), they may have been infected. Send your friend a new message informing them that you got the odd message and that they may be infected.
If you use Facebook, keep an eye out for computer threats (viruses, spyware, etc) all the time in the form of the various messages and emails you can get from using it. And, if you ever go to a site that tries to get you to download and install some weird program or codec to play some music or a video, do NOT download and install it. If it says you need Java, or Flash or such, go to those actual sites and get them from the real sites for these plug-ins. If you already have these plug-ins installed and the video or whatever does not work, then it is not supposed to (they are just trying to get you to infect your computer). YouTube videos use Adobe Flash to run. If you can go to the YouTube site and watch a video, then you have Adobe Flash installed and working, and the odd site you went to that doesn't work is bad news - close the site and don't go back to it.
If you do get infected, you should be able to clean out the infection with a full scan by AVG Free 8 and/or Superantispyware.