Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hypocracy on sepratists

Bouquets of Gray: Separatists on parade, 3: western separatists in the CPC

If Harper And The Conservatives HATE Separatists ... (the Quebecois
version) ... Why Don't They Also Condemn Western Separatists?
A fair question, as I'm sure anyone would admit.

question. Wouldn't it be best if the Conservative Party restricted its
membership to non-separatists? A case in point: David Crutcher is the
Executive Director of the new separatist Western Business and Taxpayers
Association. His profile on the WBTA's website
happily identifies him as federal Conservative.

Women pleasuring themselves

92% of women like to go solo | The Sun |News

And two-thirds of women admit to pleasuring themselves three times a week,
with women in London finding the time for four sessions every seven days.

Water Vapor Confirmed on Alien Planet

Snot news

ABC News: You Think It's Mucus, but It's Not

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Mucus and Phlegm

Brain images to computer

Mad Science: Technology Puts Images from Your Brain onto a Computer

Japanese scientists have unveiled a device that can pluck images out of your brain and recreate them on a computer screen.

an fMRI brain scanner, researchers read electrical signals coming from
people's brains while they thought about letters in the word "neuron."
The research team led by Yukiyaso Kamitani at ATR Computational
Neuroscience Labs has designed software that can process the output of
the fMRI and search for signals associated with vision. (Many of the
same parts of the brain that process images in the real world are also
used to create images in your mind's eye.)

Once they'd processed the signals they received, researchers were
able to recreate the word "neuron" from what they'd picked up in
subject's brains.