Monday, April 27, 2009

The Greatest Action Story Ever Told

Stephen Harper and the Rule of Law

Impolitical: Stephen Harper and the rule of law
... Harper was prepared to defy the Governor General and challenge her legitimacy if she hadn't permitted prorogation in December. Mind boggling. ...

The Federal Government and the Economy Today

Don't Blame The CAW for a Crisis It Didn't Create
... Rather than scapegoating the CAW for a crisis it did not cause, the federal government should focus its efforts on combating the pressures of wage-driven deflation, maintaining income and employment, and using public dollars to buy transformation of the auto industry away from gas-guzzlers to the low emission vehicles of the future. Industrial policies like this have been an important part of the development of the auto industry and are needed once again.
This is Just Getting Stupid

Still not getting the issues around the Omar Khadr case? Read the link.