Saturday, November 8, 2008

Outdated office gadgets?

Five Useless Gadgets You Should Throw in the Trash Right Now | Gadget Lab from
Fax Machines

Still sending faxes? Hi grandad! The fax was useful when it was the only way to move documents around faster than mailing them. Now it's pointless. Most documents never exist in paper form anyway, so you'll need a printer just to get started with the sending. And if you fax directly from your computer, that's no excuse, either -- why not just email the PDF?

An email is as trackable as a fax, and harder to fake (I may or may not have altered faxed documents for previous employers). It's also a lot harder to lose, and a lot easier to find if you do. Granted, a trip to the fax machine buys you a few minutes away from the desk, but then, why not just quit the office altogether and work, like I do, from the comfort of your bed?

I agree with their take on fax machines, but I still use all the others.