Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sci-Fi tattoos

2,000 year old toy found near Stonehenge

Gamers not nerds after all

a previously unknown species of crystalline magnetic fossils of a microorganism.

Stay healthy, keep farting

The Stink in Farts Controls Blood Pressure | LiveScience

A smelly rotten-egg gas in farts controls blood pressure in mice, a new study finds.

The unpleasant aroma of the gas, called hydrogen sulfide (H2S), can be a little too familiar, as it is expelled by bacteria living in the human colon and eventually makes its way, well, out.

The new research found that cells lining mice’s blood vessels naturally make the gas and this action can help keep the rodents’ blood pressure low by relaxing the blood vessels to prevent hypertension (high blood pressure). This gas is “no doubt” produced in cells lining human blood vessels too, the researchers said.

Colonizing Mars?

Magnetic fields to cure drepression

Scotch tape x-rays!

Gay scientists isolate Christian gene

More Tin Hat material - How to read the forensic dots made by your laser printer

Computer circuit built from brain cells

Carbon-Nanotube based display