Thursday, January 28, 2010

More people in Quebec think Elvis is alive than like Stephen Harper

Of polls and advertising - The Globe and Mail
To begin, CROP (Quebec's most credible pollster) reports that only 5 per cent of Quebecers are "very satisfied" with the job the Harper government is doing, a number well below the Elvis Threshold -- the number of respondents who would also report that Elvis is still alive. Another 32 per cent are somewhat satisfied.

"Harper and his too-clever-by-half cronies in the PMO neglected to consider a very important constituency"

Prorogation, Disengagement and Cutting the Democratic Deficit in Canada « bastard.logic
News on an interesting report on Canada and Canadians by the Institute of Wellbeing.

Harper plans to help women and children in the 3rd world, he reduced support for them in Canada

Stageleft: life on the left side » Shorter Stephen Harper
Harper talks big on the world stage about women and children, yet back at home he has been cutting funding for women's issues and child poverty for years.
The example in this article is about Inuit children and how little Harper cares for them.

Libby Davies wants to spank Harper

Libby Davies on wanting to give Harper a spanking - Hill Queeries
Interview recently with Libby Davies, NDP House Leader.