Thursday, October 2, 2008

Layton sets Dion Straight

Dipper Chick: Layton burns Dion- video

"If you can't do your job as the leader of the opposition, I don't know what you're doing running for the job of prime minister." - Layton to Dion, in reference to Dion and the Liberals voting with the Conservatives, abstaining and sitting out votes instead of standing up for their constituents against Conservative bills.

Unspoken communication - yep.

US voting machines

Canadian Debate drinking game!

Mac Book Pros "potentially cancer-inducing

Mac Pros stink according to users - The INQUIRER

The preliminary results of the lab’s tests were worrying to say the least,
with benzene fumes reportedly being the cause of the "intense, nauseating"
odour. The Enviro-mentalists were quick to point out that inhaling benzene
fumes on a regular basis was not only less than ideal, but also potentially
cancer-inducing, and urged Apple to look into the situation.