Sunday, October 3, 2010

American human experimentation atrocities through the years

we move to canada: u.s. admits infecting guatemala mental patients with gonorrhea and syphilis in secret medical experiments
I have heard people claim that the US would never do anything (or allow
anything to happen) to its own citizens. As though those in charge of
the US would bother to make some distinction based on where people
happened to be born. History says the truth is the exact opposite. Here
is a super-small sample from this webpage (emphasis mine; I have also edited some entries for brevity):

Read the full post at the top link.

A reminder of what the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are really about

LeDaro: Blackwater=Blackoil
Read the post, watch the video.
When will the World understand that all these so-called wars for freedom
and democracy are for resources and, in the case of the
Iraq/Afghanistan war, for fossil fuel resources? It’s blatantly obvious
for Iraq. For Afghanistan apparently there is going to be a natural
gas pipeline from the former USSR, through Afghanistan, into an Indian
Ocean port.

Hunter S. Thompson's letter to the editor of the Vancouver Sun, 1958