Friday, December 19, 2008

Harper at the helm of our economy - "making up his course as he sails along"

Buckdog: Is Harper As Phony As He Seems?

Harper and his ministers would have
us believe that circumstances have changed over the three months,
morphing from a financial crisis to one affecting the real economy. But
most of that was predictable and was, indeed, predicted. No one really
believed the crisis could be contained to a few banks and insurance

On the other hand, the political circumstances have
changed, as Harper's government was almost toppled earlier this month
by a coalition of opposition parties demanding more stimulus in the
wake of the hold-the-line economic statement. That would account for
the shift by Harper since then. But how does it explain what he said in
Peru before the economic statement about the need for stimulus?

have suggested that the answer lies in a split between Finance Minister
Jim Flaherty, who actually delivered the economic statement, and Harper
on how best to address the crisis. But that is hardly credible in a
government that is as centred on the PM as this one.

One is left
with the uncomfortable feeling that Harper, far from the steady hand at
the wheel portrayed in Conservative propaganda, is making up his course
as he sails along.

List of common misconceptions

11.1 Billion year old water - across the universe

Space Porn: Water Vapor Discovered Near Black Hole 11.1 Billion Light Years Away

The discovery of water vapor in a distant quasar system has
overturned established ideas about the existence of water in the early

This is the farthest, and thus the oldest,
water ever seen in the Universe. (Because the light from this quasar
took 11.1 billion years to reach Earth, it is 11.1 billion years old.)

Majel Rodenberry Passes Away

Star Trek: The First Lady Of Star Trek Passes Away

Majel Barrett Roddenberry, the most ubiquitous actor in Star Trek, died today at age 76. The wife of Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, she also provided the computer voices on every version of Trek. And she played three pivotal characters: Number One in the pilot, Nurse Chapel in the original series, and Lwaxana Troi in TNG and DS9. She was providing the computer voices for the new Trek movie, and it's not clear if she had finished recording them.

Smell like meat!!!

The 8 phases of dating

Santa when you are asleep