Thursday, October 29, 2009

Revealing the anti-vaccination lobby

The anti-vaccination lobby < click me for the full post
... The current swine flu pandemic has really stirred up the anti-vaccination lobby and has brought out some wonderful examples of their use of free speech.

The Real Truth About Vaccinations

The real truth about vaccinations
I want you to imagine a medical product which can save and has saved many millions of lives, the majority of them children. Imagine that the procedure is safe (not 100%, absolutely safe, of course, because nothing is that) and has been used literally billions of times with only a small number of bad reactions. It is cheap and can be administered by people with almost no training. It is not very profitable for the pharmaceutical industry because research is expensive but the buyers are mainly governments and charities who are very cost conscious.


Medical Morons in the Age of Information

Bottom of the Glass: Medical Morons in the Age of Information
An interesting post about how a lot of people are believing in what a small number of "kooks" are claiming about vaccines.

We have people on both sides of the political spectrum who are railing against the swine flu vaccine. Celebrities who have no more medical training or knowledge than you, me, or the Keebler frappin' Elf are claiming that the vaccine is more dangerous than the flu it aims to prevent.

Click the link to read the full post from Bottom of the Glass.

Kill toe fungus with Vick's VapoRub

Omar Khadr Innocent but still imprisoned

Omar Khadr 'innocent' in death of U.S. soldier -
Guantanamo detainee Omar Khadr was buried face down under rubble, blinded by shrapnel and crippled, at the time the Pentagon alleges he threw a grenade that fatally wounded a U.S. soldier, according to classified photographs and defence documents obtained by the Star.

Children and H1N1

No matter what you do, children always get flu -
Read the link first.

So, it is good advice to get your kids vaccinated against the H1N1 this year, especially if your child is under 5 years (6 months to 5 years old) and especially if they have health issues that could make their systems react in a stronger more negative way to the H1N1 virus.