Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ellie Frazetta, R.I.P.

Ellie Frazetta, R.I.P. - Boing Boing
Sad news: Ellie Frazetta, the wife, muse, and model for Frank Frazetta, recently passed away.

Constipated? Insert hammers.

Hammer as "cure" for constipation? - Boing Boing
Viorel Firoiu, 48, of Romania claims that it was constipation that lead him to get two hammerheads stuck in his rectum. (Sure that was the reason.) Doctors had to surgically remove the two items. From Austrian Times:

 Thumbnails Ftrhs54Q Large

Dollhouse's Lost Post-Apocalyptic Episode

We've Seen Dollhouse's Lost Post-Apocalyptic Episode! - Dollhouse - io9
Warning: Spoilers in this article - you might want to read this after you watch the episode.
Basically, it takes place in the future after things with the mind imprinting technology have gone wrong in a large way.

Farscape is 10 frelling years old!

Peter Jackson news - The Hobbit, District 9, and others

Peter Jackson Spills All About The Hobbit, The Lovely Bones, and World War I Airplanes - Sdcc - io9
Yes, The Hobbit is still going ahead.
Can't wait to see District 9.

Comet Hits Jupiter