Wednesday, March 25, 2009

'Big Brother' in the UK targets Facebook

Now 'Big Brother' targets Facebook - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Minister wants government database to monitor social networking sites.


Slightly more news about the new Riddick movie

Nonstop - new movie from the Underworld makers "Lost meets aliens"

Tiime to let the media conglomerates fail!

WesternGrit: Time to Let The Media Conglomerates Fail <read full post

We have some large media chains, run by large multi-national corporations, who are very obviously "friendly" in their "editorial content" (loosely disguised as "journalism") to the governing party.

We have a proven history - and research (see McGill study) - showing how this governing party benefited from amazingly slanted positive "news/editorializing" from said chains...

How is a "bailout" of "friendly" media chains ANY different than handing over cash for positive coverage? How? Oh, please do, tell us how, this is not some sort of conflict of interest... Something that borders on the heinous?

Let the Right One In - Lost in translation

Let The Right One In: Why Is The Let The Right One In DVD For Dummies?

According to reports, the translation, on the U.S. DVD, is somewhat lacking in its subtitles.

More details here at Icons of Fright

Grace Park - video interview about BSG

BSG Finale, and what Earth 150,000 years ago was really like