Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Scary shirt

Let's hope the coalition continues

Accidental Deliberations: On best-case scenarios

After all, the coalition also reflects the best chance in the near future to demonstrate the viability of cooperative politics.

The top 50 trips in movies

Drugged! The top 50 trips in movies - Den of Geek

Well, the left out Apocalypse Now, but at least they included The Trip.

Betty Page hospitalized


Lesbian Vampire Killers

Lesbian Vampire Killers: Lesbian Vampire Killers Know The Way To My Heart

How can you go wrong with a movie title like that? Well, yeah. Due to be out March 2009. Could be meat, could be pastry.

Fables tv series

Fables: Exiled Fables Could Find a New Home on Television

In Bill Willngham’s comic book epic Fables, Snow White, the
Big Bad Wolf, Prince Charming, and scores of other characters from
folklore are forced to live together in exile in Manhattan. Now ABC is
offering them all a chance at life on television. The network has
ordered a pilot based on the trials and tribulations of these legendary
characters living in our modern world.