Saturday, December 6, 2008

What Harper is really like

Impolitical: In which Harpie's friends speak to the media about what he's really like
Robert Benzie's piece in the Star today is an eye-opener for Conservatives and an interesting read for anyone seeking to understand why the nation has been brought to such a place as it has been this week. It's all about Harpie. While I agree there's not much "news" here in terms of how the PM governs, the report is a worthwhile reminder that the governing style itself is unsettling and has wrought this week's crises. There is another intriguing angle, below.

On why there was no swaying Harper from his disastrous ideological economic update:

In interviews with federal associates of Harper, past and present, a picture emerges of a bright and driven man who does not take dissenting counsel especially well and is prone to profane outbursts.

"The people around him, the stable, has generally been bred for obedience, so that's what you get," says a confrere.

Another insider agrees "there's no question the Prime Minister rules by fear," which is not always productive.

"At some point, you know, you get up every day and you get kicked in the balls and, you know what, you get tired of it. So when people stop fighting back, I'm telling you, that's a most dangerous, dangerous, dangerous day," he says.

It was Harper who insisted that the Nov. 27 economic statement be used as a political weapon to bludgeon the Conservatives' foes. (emphasis added)

Creating an atmosphere where he's unopposed by his staff and colleagues, it's no wonder he's unable to work with the opposition. It doesn't seem to be in the DNA.