Sunday, December 7, 2008

Coalition - grassroots organization

Creekside: Dear leaders of the coalition : Obama-size now

It's time you guys put together an official coalition website and Impolitical has your front page image right here.
What we need from you now is an official source for quotes, breaking news and coalition events to counteract the Corporate Television Vehicle™ which will reliably continue to pump out every rumour and screw-up in the coalition because that's what they do.
you have your own party websites but Canadians need to be convinced
this is more than party politics as usual. Yes, there's lots of grassroots groups doing this already but we need to see you to stand behind it.
it and the press will come. There's economists and constitutional
experts writing interesting articles about the coalition every day.
Publish them. We need pledge drives for when Steve goes for another
election do-over. We need dates for the coalition townhalls you better
be planning to have in your districts.