Thursday, March 12, 2009

Changes to Facebook again

Facebook's Real-Time Homepage Goes Live Today - <read full details

Initial Impressions

I'm apparently among the first to have the update. So how does it work?

It feels a lot more like Twitter. The whole page focuses around conversations, which isn't a bad thing at all (I'm noticing fewer items around photos and events)Items may be posted in real time, but it doesn't seem like the page updates as the items come in (I'm having to refresh to see new content)The Highlights section doesn't exactly do a great job at highlighting news stories. With only a narrow column to work with the stories don't stand out. And with so little real-estate, sponsored items (which are basically just ads) are more irritating.The ability to filter the News Feed by Friend Lists is great (I can't believe we've gone this long without it) You actually could filter by Friend Lists in the old version, though the feature was less visible. You can also 'x' out friends you never want to see appear in your News Feed again.