Friday, February 20, 2009

Save $

Save Money Now - Men's Fitness < read full post

Okay, there are some good ideas here. But there are also some bad ideas. Here's my take on these

1 - Stock up on supermarket sales
- Okay, this one is not bad. But don't go buying stuff you won't eat/use. Take advantage of sales when they are actually selling something you eat/use.

2 - Increase your auto insurance deductibles
- Cheaper still, don't have a car - save hundreds of dollars per month - get a bicycle/take transit... (of course, if you live in the country, then their suggestion here makes sense.)

3 - Stop buying bottled water
- If you must get cleaner water (and most bottled water is NOT cleaner than tap water), buy a filter system - it's still cheaper than bottled water overall.

4 - Downgrade your cable plan
- get rid of your cable altogether and/or your tv - download tv shows via the internet and watch them on your computer

5 - Rediscover your Library (instead of constantly buying books)
- Not a bad idea. Or exchange books with friends and family

6 - Switch to a prepaid cell phone
- Unless you use the cell phone for only a couple of emergency calls per month, it makes sense to use a prepaid plan.

7 - Use bargain printer ink
- Or not. Using bargain printer ink can foul up your printer and end up costing more than the printer is worth to get it repaired. Stick with the manufacturer's ink, but shop around for the best deal on it.l

8 - Cancel your landline
- Or not. VOIP quality and reliability is still sketchy. A basic landline account with Bell is still inexpensive and the most reliable in service.

9 - Buy restaurant coupons
- Or, better yet, cut back on going to restaurants, period.

10 - Give your razor blades some TLC
- Buy an electric razor - lasts for years

11 - And not mentioned in their article - STOP TAKING SO MANY CABS!