Sunday, February 1, 2009

Genocide supporter Netanyahu, is keen on adding Iran to Israel's targets

Press TV < read full story

election frontrunner Benjamin Netanyahu says his first mission if
elected prime minister would be to 'thwart the Iranian threat'.

In an interview with Israel's Channel 2 TV late Saturday, Netanyahu
said he fully intends to sabotage Tehran's nuclear efforts once and for

"[Iran] will not be armed with a nuclear weapon… It includes
everything that is necessary to make this statement come true," said
Israel's leading candidate for prime minister.

Israel, the sole nuclear power in the Middle East, accuses Tehran
of seeking nuclear weaponry while the UN nuclear watchdog, in its Sept.
15 report on Iran, declared that it could not find any "components of a
nuclear weapon" or "related nuclear physics studies" in the country.

Netanyahu, who is currently facing war crime charges in Gaza,
claimed the Islamic Republic's uranium enrichment is the greatest
danger to Israel and humanity.

After weeks of denying that it used illegal weapons in the
densely-populated Gaza Strip, the Israeli military finally admitted
Friday that it had pounded the Palestinian coast with at least twenty
white phosphorus bombs.

The 1980 third Convention on Conventional Weapons has banned the
use of white phosphorus as a weapon, even against military targets
situated within population centers.

International attorneys have filed war crime charges against 15
Israeli political and military officials, including Ehud Olmert, Tzipi
Livni and Ehud Barak.