Monday, December 1, 2008

NDP's Conversations For Change

NDP plans “Conversations for Change” in support of a progressive coalition | Jerad Gallinger

As the opposition parties firm up details of a coalition, Conservative activists are organizing to turn Canadians against the nascent partnership. So what are progressives doing in response?

The NDP just sent out an email to supporters asking them to take
part in nationwide “Conversations for Change” on Thursday, December 4.
Full details are forthcoming, but you can read the call to action
below. In addition, the Public Service Alliance of Canada is organizing a rally on Parliament Hill
in favour of coalition government on Thursday, December 4. Nothing yet
from the Liberal Party, but that isn’t exactly a surprise—their weak
ground organization is part of why they have been floundering in recent

Ensuring the success of pro-coalition
rallies is a big part of swaying public opinion to the side of
progressives. I will post more details about the Conversations for
Change as they arrive, and I encourage readers to send a message of
change from their neighbourhood to Parliament Hill by taking part in
this important effort.