Monday, December 8, 2008

Harper bullies his MPs

Buckdog: Former Member Of Conservative Caucus Verifies That Harper Is A Bully To His Own MP's
"I remember one specific time when Mr. Harper come into caucus one day and he said, 'We've
decided to make significant cuts to a lot of programs, some of these
cuts may hurt your ridings but anybody who criticizes the cuts will
suffer severe consequences to their political career as a Conservative
Member of Parliament,'
and that's an exact quote, I wrote it down at the time and then he didn't tell us what the cuts were."

"He's really smart, he has a lot of capabilities, but he does not understand that if you keep pushing people, sooner or later, they'll push back. That's what's happening, this is why we're here. This is not just because of the economic statement, this is a culmination of two years of frustration, forced confidence votes and threats. The opposition MPs just met their limit and now they're pushing back."