Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Drinking Myths

5 Drinking Myths That Can Kill You | < read me!
What You Should Do Instead:

Lay them on their side and, between shots of tequila, try to check and make sure they haven't stopped breathing at some point. If their breathing becomes irregular or they start vomiting without waking up, they have alcohol poisoning. Call for help.

In the morning, they'll thank you for being responsible and taking care of them in their time of need. At least until they see the collage of swastikas and penises you drew on their face and arms.


What You Should Do Instead:

Let's put it this way: It's almost a statistical certainly that by
New Year's Eve of 2009, at least one of the people reading this will be
dead due to a drunk driving accident. About 15,000 people die every
year that way in the US alone. The rate doubles over the holidays, and
skyrockets among the young, drunken males of the type who tend to read
this site. So seriously, just don't get fucking hammered and drive. We
mean it.

Stay safe and have a happy new year.